Welcome to Bowland Maths
Not in school?
There are problems and activities here that you can try at home.The Assessment Tasks are a good place to start.
Bowland Maths aims to make maths engaging and relevant to pupils aged 11-14, with a focus on developing thinking, reasoning and problem-solving skills. In these materials, the maths emerges naturally as pupils tackle problems set in a rich mixture of real-life and fantasy situations.
Assessment tasks
Assessment tasksBowland Maths includes a collection of over thirty 20-60 minute tasks with progression guides to support formative assessment of progress in mathematical reasoning and problem-solving skills.
Classroom projects – the Case Studies
Classroom projectsAt the core of Bowland Maths are 26 extended mathematical investigations called Case Studies. Each case study includes teaching materials to support 3-5 maths lessons. Many, but not all, include ICT activities.
Professional development
Professional developmentThe Bowland materials demand different approaches to teaching, such as collaborative learning through discussion and reflection, self- and peer-assessment and the use of less structured tasks. These 7 video-based professional development modules help teachers explore these techniques.